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Top 12 Wi-Fi Password Hacker Apps for Android 2019

Hacking the wifi is one of the most crucial parts of learning about ethical hacking and at times, testing the penetration of the network that one is using becomes necessary. So in order to test the security of your very own network, you will need some of the highly efficient free wifi password hacker apps that will take away all of your doubts of how to hack wifi password and will show you whether your wifi is secure enough or not. 

The wifi networks need to be highly secure because they are easily accessible by the common public so anyone with a decent hacking knowledge can hack them, with the help of the proper apps. So if you want to test the security of your network, make sure you use one of these 12 amazing wifi hacker apps, take a look to see if your network passes the test or not.

This is one of the ideal apps for checking the security of your wifi. The aircrack-ng can be run easily on your Android device however it is slightly difficult to have a wifi chipset that is going to support one of the monitor modes of the app. The ports are Github and XDA developers. This app is widely used by all the ethical hackers around the world.

This is the best OS that one can use for the purpose of doing ethical hacking. This is an open source platform for android penetration and testing. The Kali wifite tool needs to be launched in order to start the process. it has got a custom kernel that is known to support 802.11 wireless injections.

It has got a really simple GUI that is well suited for the beginners in this domain who are wondering how to hack wifi on android. This app detects the WPS enabled routers and the hacking app is known to launch a brute force attack that recovers the various WPA and WPA2 paraphrases. The android app is also known to support various external scripts.

This app is popular for breaking the high-end security that any android app has. What this app does is to test the connection to the various access points along with the WPS PIN that is done with the help of numerous algorithms like the Blink, Zhao, Asus, etc. android 4.0 is needed for this app to run. This way you can view the password of any neighboring wifi network and access it as well.

Zimperium has the app called Zanti that is really easy to use toolkit for mobile penetration and wifi password viewer just with the help of your Android device. The scanner shows the various access points along with the key configuration that is shown in green. This app will let you identify the loopholes in your network so that you can prevent any kind of future attacks.

6. Nmap

 This wifi hacker apk for the app is suitable for both the rooted as well as the non-rooted android devices. The rooted devices can access the high-end features like the OS fingerprinting and the SYN scan. The Nmap app is also available for various other platforms like the Linux and the windows.

This app is one of the free ones that work for sure. This app will let you disable any kind of internet connection to a particular device, so if you feel like there are unnecessary users on your wifi network you can simply prevent them from using it. This app, however, needs root access for it to function properly. 

 This wifi password hacker app is really potent and takes care of almost all the wifi requirements. This app can work with any kind of routers that are commonly used, and it calculates the WEP and the WPA keys within seconds. Use it to test your network as and when needed, you don't need to purchase anything for testing.

This app will let you access and play with the wifi networks that are present around your location. This includes default PINs and also various algorithms like the Stefan Viehbock and the Zhao chesung ones. This app is best suited for the devices that are android 4 or higher and are rooted. 

This app is licensed under the GNU GPNv3 and this can run on all the android devices really easily. One can use various types of custom firmware like the Cyanogen Mod in order to use this particular app. The key features of this precious app include the ability to redirect particular websites to different pages, deletion of certain words from the websites and changing the pictures of a site and so on.

11. WIBR+ 

This app cracks the wifi passwords within seconds. According to the network that needs to be hacked as well as the priority one can choose options like special characters, uppercase, lowercase or numerals. According to the strength of the password of a particular network the WIBR + consumes some amount of time and then cracks the password of the particular wifi network with ease.

This app isn't particularly an app that can be used for hacking, it is more of an app that people use for the prank purposes. This app will let you pretend that you have easily broken into your friends' wifi and that you are accessing his network. This has a really professional look and feel and will detect the entire nearby network within seconds, so if you simply want to scare your friends with a harmless wifi prank then this is the app that you need in your life. Check this funny app today.

So these were the top 12 wifi hacking apps that can best be used to check the security and the strength of your network. Remember to use this app for unethical purposes as that has got severe consequences. So if you were in doubt so long that your neighbor is stealing your wifi then make sure you download these free apps and check out the strength of your wifi on your own. Who knows you might save a lot of private things. The best part is that you will not have to pay a single penny to enjoy using these apps; they are entirely free of cost.

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